You do not have to read them, but losing the book will result in losing the bonus.Other books must be read, but the bonus is permanent.
You can purchase them from Book Merchants, found in.Reference books provide the bonus by simply being in your inventory. Their primary purpose is to give boosts to your or without having to level up. Mount And Blade Warphilia GameĪ Book Merchant in Warband.Books can be very useful in the Mount&Blade series. The following is the default set for this troop as seen within the game code and may not reflect the specific stats you will see during actual gameplay. He has high health and is one of the most dangerous participants in tournaments, regardless of equipment he is given.Default StatsNote: Troops have a set of default stats at the beginning of a new game, these stats are randomly adjusted for each type of troop. Kradus.Kradus is a tournament fighter who participates in many of the same that the player partakes in.Other tournament regulars are and.In early versions of, he could also be found with Xerina and Dranton at the town of.Kradus, despite his aged appearance, is an extremely skilled fighter in all forms of weapons, with 270 points in every weapon type.